Rocking Chair Fuel

Creating memories through travel and adventure

Shojo – Number 35


Sparkling sake cocktail - ShojoWe ventured into Chinatown for the restaurant Shojo, described as modern Asian cuisine.  First impressions from the wall graffitied outside is that this is definitely a modern and fun looking restaurant.  Open the doors and Wow!  It’s like walking into a wall of ‘people’ noise; it was actually quite a shock, they must have good sound proofing as it was not obvious from the outside, but in a good way.  If you’re in a large party, be prepared to speak loudly to be heard.  With two however, it was great and a brilliant atmosphere.

Straight to the very lively bar for cocktails.  Shojo claim to have a Japanese spirit list unrivalled in the city, so we had to test it out in the cocktail list.  Who knew there was such a thing as sparkling sake? or sake liquor?  Very delicious, possibly a little strong.  Hick!

The food at Shojo was trying to be Asian but is what I would call classic American, with an Asian twist.  Wu Tang Tiger style Ribs (Thai basil, shallot and peanut topping), Far East Baja style Fish Tacos (they’re tacos, they’re good, what can I say), Monkey chicken wings (chicken wings with a sweet and sour sauce rather than buffalo) or the signature dish, the Shojanator (a burger in a Bao bun).  Everything tasted good, but it’s not what I call Asian…but modern Asian?  Yeah OK, maybe; American Asian fusion?  That’s more like it.

A fun place, a really good night out, great cocktails and excellent sharing food of the Asian-ish genre.

The Shojonator - Shojo
Baja Style Fish Tacos - Shojo